Learn & Discover New Technologies
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
المحاضرة الثانية من الكورس الشامل تصميم الدوائر المطبوعة
Lecture 2 - How to Read Schematic
في هذا المحاضرة تم شرح كيف يمكنك قراءة وفهم وتتبع المخطط النظري للدائرة الكهربية التب تريد أن تقوم بتصنيعها
يعد فهم كيفية قراءة المخطط النظري Schematic من أهم المهارات المطلوبة لدى مهندسي الإلكترونيات حول العالم لأنها تمكن المهندس من عمل تصميم وبناء للدائرة بشكل جيد كما أنها تلعب دورا هاما في مقدرة المهندس على تتبع الأخطاء الموجودة في الدائرة وكيفية حلها
ولفهم كيف يتم قراءة المخطط النظري schematic عليك أولا التعرف على بعض النقاط الأساسية والتي تم شرحها في هذه المحاضرة منها
- فهم الرموز الخاصة بالعناصر ومعرفتها بشكل جيد مثل رموز
- المقاومات بكل أنواعها
- المكثفات القطبية وغير القطبية
- الملفات
- الدايود
- الترنواستور
- البوابات المنطقية
- الدوائر المتكاملة
2. أيضا يجب عليك معرفة ما هي
name diesignator
voltage nodes
وكثير من المعلومات التي يمكنك الإطلاع عليها بعد مشاهدة هذا الفيديو
الجزء الأول
الجزء الثاني
تابعوا مدونة teck4arab عن طريق الإشتراك في القائمة البريدية ويمكننكم الإنضمام لجروب المدونة على الفيس بوك من هنا كما يمكنكم الإشتراك في القناة من هنا
كورس تصميم الدوائر المطبوعة PCB
كيف يتم إضافة library جاهز إلى برنامج الـ Eagle
قبل مشاهدة هذا الشرح عليك الإطلاع على هذا الدرس
في الفيديو الثاني من كورس تصميم الدوائر المطبوعة Printed Circuit Board تم شرح كيفية إضافة مكتبة خاصة إلى برنامج
eagle وذلك لتسهيل عملية البحث عن المكونات عن بدلا من البحث في مكتبات البرنامج الكثيرة جدا والمكتبة مجهزة بمعظم المكونات الني يتم إستخدامها في حوالي 90 في المائة من الدوائر افلكترونية والمكتبة من تجهيز sparkfun
خطوات إضافة المكتبة
1. يجب
عليك أولا تحميل المكتبة من هذا الرابط
2. بعد
ذلك قم بفتح برنامج eagle
3. قم
بالضغط على option ثم
قم بإختيار Directories
4. تأكد
من وجود علامة ; بعد كلمة EAGLEDIR\lbr
5. بعد
ذلك قم بالضغط على browse واختار مسار الملف اللذي قمت بتحميله من اللنك
الموجود بالأعلى
6. ولمتابعة
بقية الشرح يمكنك مشاهدة هذا الفيديو
تابعوا مدونة teck4arab عن طريق الإشتراك في القائمة البريدية ويمكننكم الإنضمام لجروب المدونة على الفيس بوك من هنا كما يمكنكم الإشتراك في القناة من هنا
Monday, March 21, 2016
PCB Design Complete course by eagle - الكورس الشامل في تصميم الدوائر المطبوعة
PCB Design Complete course by eagle - lecture 1
يعتبر برنامج تصميم الدوائر المطبوعة eagle من أقوى برامج التصميم حيث يتميز بعديد من المميزات الغير موجودة في برامج التصميم الأخرى
من مميزات البرنامج أنه :
- يعمل على كل منصات التشغيل مثل ويندوز ولينكس وماك وبالتالي إذا كان نظام التشغيل الخاص بجاهزك
- مجاني حيث يمكنك تحميل البرنامج من موقع الشركة المنتجة واستخدامه بشكل مجاني دون عناء البحث عن رخصة إستخدام
- يتميز البرنامج بأن له دعم عالى جدا على مواقع الانترنت نظرا لأن البرنامج يستخدمه حوالي 80 % من مصممي الدوائر المطبوعة حول العالم
- لا يحتاج البرنامج لمواصفات خاصة لجهازك لكي يعمل بل يمكنه العمل على اجهزة ذات إمكانيات متوسطة
ومن خلال مدونة teck4arab سيتم تقديم كورس شامل منن الألف إلى الياء في تصميم الدوائر المطبوعة
الكورس يعتبر الأول من نوعه باللغة العربية حيث أن الكورس سيشمل أجزاء أساسية إلى أن يصل إلى مستوى الإحترافية في تصميم الدوائر المطبوعة وسيشمل الكورس شرح النقاط التالية
1- PCB Basics .
2- Creating PCB Schematic .
3- How to Read Schematic .
4- How to create PCB Layout .
5- Creating advanced SMD PCB.
6- Generate Gerber files .
7- Create SMD Footprint .
محتويات كورس تصميم الدوائر المطبوعة من هنا |
Monday, November 2, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
ETAP Program
ETAP Program
ETAP program is a full functional analysis tool which can be use for analyzing any of AC DC electrical power systems ETAP is the bible of the electrical engineer and is being used by engineers in diffrent companies for analyzing maintaining and operation of the electrical power system
To download this program you can follow this link
ولمتابعة شرح البرنامج وكيفية التعامل معاه يمكنكم متابعة الشرح الخاص بالبرنامج علي الرابط التالي :
ويمكنكم أيضا تحميل بعض الملفات التي تشرح البرنامج بالتفصيل من هذا الرابط :
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
كيف تجتاز إمتحان U.S. English Basic Skills على موقع UPWORK لزيادة مهارتك وفرص قبول طلبات التقديم على الوظائف
كيف تجتاز إمتحان
U.S. English Basic Skills
على موقع UPWORK
يتكون الإمتحان من 48 سؤال عليك إجتيازهم للحصول على شهادة على الموقع وبالتالي هناك بعض اوظائف تتطلب الحصول على ذلك الأمتحان
أحضرنا لكم أخر تحديث لشهر سبتمر 2015 وهو مكون من 48 سؤال بإجابتهم نتمنى لكم التوفيق ان شاء الله
تابعوا مدونة teck4arab عن طريق الإشتراك في القائمة البريدية لمتابعة الجزء الثاني من الموضوع ويمكننكم الإنضمام لجروب المدونة على الفيس بوك من هنا كما يمكنكم الإشتراك في القناة من هنا
Question 1: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Charlotte knew ________ the secret investigation ________ her past, but she closed her eyes to it and pretended it happening.
Ans: a. of, about
b. about, into
c. about, on
d. of, after
Question 2: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
I think Pamela deserves to be punished for her________stupid and________behavior.
Answer: b. totally, irresponsible
Question 3: Which of the following sentences punctuated correctly?
a. Tracy bought three suits; seven scarves; and ten pairs of shoes.
Answer: b. We are expecting a hurricane this afternoon, therefore we have closed the school early.
Question 4: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
While __________ of our relatives live on the __________ hill in the county, __________ of our friends live in the __________ __________ areas of the valley.
a. more, windy, many, most, protection
ans : b. most, windier, more, most, protective
ans: c. many, windiest, most, more, protected
d. many, winding, more, most, protected
Question 5: Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
Don't ________ think Larry should call ________ wife if ________ is going to be late for dinner?
Ans: a. you, his, he
b. we, your, his
c. he, his, he
d. you, his, himself
Question 6: Question 24: Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
days . for last has good weather few The been the not
a. weather for The last few good has not been the days.
b. The good days has not been for the last few weather.
c. The few days has not been good for the last weather.
Answers: d. The weather has not been good for the last few days.
Question 7: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence. Knowing that February was the___________month of the year, Cheryl planned her vacation____________.
a. short, in accordance
Answers: b. shortest, accordingly
Ans: c. shorter, according
d. shortness, accordion
Question 8: Rearrange the following words to create most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
Answer: e. Whenever I can’t spend time with my friend, I always speak to him on the phone.
Which of the following sentence does NOT illustrates correct verb and tense usage?
Answer: b. Clarabelle’s mother absolutely hated nicknames and always calls her daughter by her full name.
Question 9: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Victor, who stole ____________ ideas and used them to make _________ a millionaire, never once offered ______________ a world of thanks.
Answer: d. our, himself, us
Question 10: Which of the following sentence uses correct pronoun usage?
a. to whom are your employees going to report while you’re gone?
Answer: e. All of the above
Question 11: Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
If Harry _____to the party too early, don't let him in; he _____ outside like everyone else.
Ans: a. gets, will have to wait
b. got, waitsc. gets, is waiting
d. has gotten, must be waiting
Question 12: Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence below without creating a run-on sentence.
Mr. Peach has sent his four children to Ivy League colleges __________ he has sacrificed his health working day and night in that dusty factory.
a. however
Ans: b. ; however,
c. , however
d. however,
Question 13: Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given.
Those who are not wise ____________ .
Ans: a. do not need be necessarily stupid
b. need not necessarily be stupid
c. need not to be necessarily stupid
d. does not need to be necessarily stupid
Question 14: Which of the following sentences illustrates correct pronoun usage?
Answer: e (None of the above)
Question 15: Complete the following sentences by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the option given.
Only after they had completed an exhaustive study ________ how to adapt the technology to the needs of our company.
Answer: c (they did begin to understand)
Question 16: Which of the following sentences illustrates the proper use of commas?
Answer: e (a and b)
Question 17: Which of the following sentence illustrates correct pronoun usage?
Answer: e. None of the above
Question 18: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
________ is the name of the opera, and ________ role did you say Maria would play?
a. This, which
b. Who, that
Answers: c. What, which
d. Which, what
Question 19: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
The deer ran quickly ______ the trees, its hooves pounding ______ the forest floor.
Answers: a. amid, from
b. over, at
c. through, on
d. throughout, on
Question 20: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Jeremy drove his motorcycle _______ the bridge, _______ the hill, and _______ the diner before finally parking it _______ two police cars.
a. beside, among, behind, near
b. beneath, over, under, on
Answers: c. across, down, past, between
d. under, around, through, into
Question 21: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Jack, leaning casually ________ the tree, watched as Sally walked slowly ________ him.
Answers: a.) against, towards
b.) toward, against
Answers: c.) upon, past
d.) off, beside
e.) against, toward
Question 22: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Although the issue was very serious, the committee disposed ______ it in a few minutes and moved _______ to other business.
a. onto, off
Answers: b. of, away
c. on, out
d. of, on
Question 23: Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
That house used to be ______ , but ______ have given it to ______.
a. my, I, her
b. mine, me, her
Answers: c. mine, I, her
d. myself, she, her
Question 24: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
Of the two books, Sam’s is definitely the __________ ; however, even though Sandra’s didn’t turn out as __________ as expected, she still did a __________ job of writing it.
Answers: a. better, well, good
b. best, good, good
c. better, good, better
d. best, well, well
Question 25: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
The helium _______ balloon rose ________ into the air; the villagers knew then their _______ leader was off on another mission.
Ans: c (powered, powerfully, powerful)
Question 26: Rearrange the following words to create most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
your company name? of what the is
a. What is the company of your name?
b. your company What is the name of?
Answers: c. What is the name of your company?
d. The name of your company What is?
Question 27: Rearrange the following words to create most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
Sleeping likes the Midday Katie until on weekends
a. sleeping Katie likes until midday on the weekends.
b. Katie likes sleeping until weekends on the midday.
c. Katie likes on sleeping until the midday weekends.
d. Katie likes sleeping on midday until the weekends.
Answers: e. Katie likes sleeping until midday on the weekends.
Question 28: Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense.
Does Jack wear that furry hat often?
a. No, he just liked to wear it for fun sometimes.
b. Yes, but don’t said anything about it to him.
c. Yes, and it can so annoying!
Ans: d. No, he only wears it when his ears are cold.
Question 29: Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense.
Did you see the show last night?
Answers: a. No, because by the time I got there all the tickets had already been sold.
b. Yes, and it was one of the best shows I had ever seen.
c. Yes, but my seat was behind a pole so I couldn't barely see anything.
d. No, but I am hope to see it tonight.
Question 30: Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense.
Did you hear the weather report for tomorrow?
a. Yes, it will to clear up by noon.
Answers: b. No, I wasn't listening to the radio.
c. Yes, they have said it will have snowed.
d. No, but I think it had snowed.
Question 31: Which of the following sentence illustrates correct pronoun usage?
a. is those the set of plates the bride wanted, or did she want this set?
d. Whose book is that-his or our?
Answers: e. None of the above
Question 32: Which of the following sentences illustrates proper sentence structure?
a. Everyone knows that a mango is much sweeter to an orange.
b. I saw the girl with my own eyes who said she had been abducted by aliens.
c. Either one of you should try and to fix their broken fence.
Answers: d. The queen had hardly finished her speech when the people began to disperse.
Question 33: Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
Rhonda says, "I get to work early every day."
Answers: a. Rhonda says she gets to work early every day.
b. Rhonda said she gets to work early every day.
c. Rhonda has said that she got to work early every day.
d. Rhonda says she had gotten to work early every day.
Question 34: Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
Jerry said, “I saw my cousin at the fair.”
a. Jerry had said he’d seen his cousin at the fair.
Answers: b. Jerry said he had seen his cousin at the fair.
c. Jerry said he’d saw his cousin at the fair.
Ans: d. Jerry says he saw his cousin at the fair.
Question 35: Change the following sentences from a question to indirect speech.
“I will be moving soon.” said Alma
Answers: a. Alma said she would be moving soon.
b. Alma said she will move soon.
c. Alma says she'll be moving soon.
d. Alma says she would move soon.
Question 36: Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
“I’m not feeling well,” Agatha said.
a. Agatha has said that she doesn't feel well.
b. According to Agatha, she isn't feeling well.
Answers: c. Agatha said she wasn't feeling well.
d. Agatha says she isn't feeling well.
Question 37: Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
“Sharon must go to the bank today.” said Albert.
a. Albert says Sharon will have to go to the bank today.
b. Albert said Sharon has to go to the bank today.
Ans: c. Albert says Sharon must go to the bank today.
Answers: d. Albert said Sharon had to go to the bank today.
Question 38: Choose the option that correctly changes the original sentence from active voice to passive voice.
That tall man is carrying a lot of lumber.
a. The tall man carries a lot of lumber.
b. Is being carried by that tall man, the lumber.
Ans: c. the lumber is carried by the tall man.
Answers: d. a lot of lumber is being carried by that tall man.
Question 39: Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
Everyone ____________too busy cooking and __________ the campsite ____________ the family _________ from the woods.
a. were, setting up, to notice, watch
b. was, set up, noticing, to watch
c. is, setting, to notice, watching
Answers: d. was, setting up, to notice, watching
Question 40: Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
I find it very hard to remember _____ letters that are entrusted to me. In fact, I remember_____to do so dozens of times!
a. to mail, forgetting
b. mailing, to forget
c. to mail, to forget
Answers: d. mailing, forgetting
Question 41: Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
Lilacs ___________ violets are usually purple; I have seen some _________ are white.
a. and, however, that
Answers: b. or, yet, which
c. and, although, that
d. or, but, and
Question 42: Which of the following sentences does not illustrates correct pronoun usage?
Ans: e (all are correct)
Question 43: Which of the following sentences illustrates correct usage of articles and conjunctions?
Answers: a. Celine lives on Arthur Street; however, she works on Beatrice Boulevard.
b. I would eat a peach every day if I could, nor the doctor told me I couldn’t.
c. Will Gertrude play the piano or an harp at the concert?
d. Although she is angry at them, neither her son and her father will be at the party.
Question 44: Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
_______ she was feeling ill, Teresa wanted to eat only _____ apple _____ some soup.
a. Yet, the, or
b. After, an, and
Answers: c. Because, an, or
d. If, a, and
Question 45: opt for the series of verbs that best completes the subsequent sentences.
If Harry certain to the party too early, don’t let him in; he's outside like everybody else.
Answers: a. gets, will have to wait
or = Ans: a (gets, can have to be compelled to wait)
b. got, waits
c. gets, is waiting
d. has gotten, must be waiting
Question 46: Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
I think Fran could be _____ great public speaker, ______ she is still too shy to try it.
a. the, although
Answers: b. a, but
c. an, however
d. a, and
Question 47: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
We were surprised when the ________ parade ________ turned into a ________ party!
Answers: a.) dull, suddenly, wild
b.) duller, all of a sudden, wilder
c.) dullest, suddenly, wildest
d.) dull, sudden, wild
Question 48: amendment the subsequent sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
“It might snow tomorrow,” He said.
Ans: d (He said it would snow tomorrow.)
Charlotte knew ________ the secret investigation ________ her past, but she closed her eyes to it and pretended it happening.
Ans: a. of, about
b. about, into
c. about, on
d. of, after
Question 2: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
I think Pamela deserves to be punished for her________stupid and________behavior.
Answer: b. totally, irresponsible
Question 3: Which of the following sentences punctuated correctly?
a. Tracy bought three suits; seven scarves; and ten pairs of shoes.
Answer: b. We are expecting a hurricane this afternoon, therefore we have closed the school early.
Question 4: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
While __________ of our relatives live on the __________ hill in the county, __________ of our friends live in the __________ __________ areas of the valley.
a. more, windy, many, most, protection
ans : b. most, windier, more, most, protective
ans: c. many, windiest, most, more, protected
d. many, winding, more, most, protected
Question 5: Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
Don't ________ think Larry should call ________ wife if ________ is going to be late for dinner?
Ans: a. you, his, he
b. we, your, his
c. he, his, he
d. you, his, himself
Question 6: Question 24: Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
days . for last has good weather few The been the not
a. weather for The last few good has not been the days.
b. The good days has not been for the last few weather.
c. The few days has not been good for the last weather.
Answers: d. The weather has not been good for the last few days.
Question 7: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence. Knowing that February was the___________month of the year, Cheryl planned her vacation____________.
a. short, in accordance
Answers: b. shortest, accordingly
Ans: c. shorter, according
d. shortness, accordion
Question 8: Rearrange the following words to create most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
Answer: e. Whenever I can’t spend time with my friend, I always speak to him on the phone.
Which of the following sentence does NOT illustrates correct verb and tense usage?
Answer: b. Clarabelle’s mother absolutely hated nicknames and always calls her daughter by her full name.
Question 9: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Victor, who stole ____________ ideas and used them to make _________ a millionaire, never once offered ______________ a world of thanks.
Answer: d. our, himself, us
Question 10: Which of the following sentence uses correct pronoun usage?
a. to whom are your employees going to report while you’re gone?
Answer: e. All of the above
Question 11: Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
If Harry _____to the party too early, don't let him in; he _____ outside like everyone else.
Ans: a. gets, will have to wait
b. got, waitsc. gets, is waiting
d. has gotten, must be waiting
Question 12: Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence below without creating a run-on sentence.
Mr. Peach has sent his four children to Ivy League colleges __________ he has sacrificed his health working day and night in that dusty factory.
a. however
Ans: b. ; however,
c. , however
d. however,
Question 13: Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given.
Those who are not wise ____________ .
Ans: a. do not need be necessarily stupid
b. need not necessarily be stupid
c. need not to be necessarily stupid
d. does not need to be necessarily stupid
Question 14: Which of the following sentences illustrates correct pronoun usage?
Answer: e (None of the above)
Question 15: Complete the following sentences by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the option given.
Only after they had completed an exhaustive study ________ how to adapt the technology to the needs of our company.
Answer: c (they did begin to understand)
Question 16: Which of the following sentences illustrates the proper use of commas?
Answer: e (a and b)
Question 17: Which of the following sentence illustrates correct pronoun usage?
Answer: e. None of the above
Question 18: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
________ is the name of the opera, and ________ role did you say Maria would play?
a. This, which
b. Who, that
Answers: c. What, which
d. Which, what
Question 19: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
The deer ran quickly ______ the trees, its hooves pounding ______ the forest floor.
Answers: a. amid, from
b. over, at
c. through, on
d. throughout, on
Question 20: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Jeremy drove his motorcycle _______ the bridge, _______ the hill, and _______ the diner before finally parking it _______ two police cars.
a. beside, among, behind, near
b. beneath, over, under, on
Answers: c. across, down, past, between
d. under, around, through, into
Question 21: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Jack, leaning casually ________ the tree, watched as Sally walked slowly ________ him.
Answers: a.) against, towards
b.) toward, against
Answers: c.) upon, past
d.) off, beside
e.) against, toward
Question 22: Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Although the issue was very serious, the committee disposed ______ it in a few minutes and moved _______ to other business.
a. onto, off
Answers: b. of, away
c. on, out
d. of, on
Question 23: Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
That house used to be ______ , but ______ have given it to ______.
a. my, I, her
b. mine, me, her
Answers: c. mine, I, her
d. myself, she, her
Question 24: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
Of the two books, Sam’s is definitely the __________ ; however, even though Sandra’s didn’t turn out as __________ as expected, she still did a __________ job of writing it.
Answers: a. better, well, good
b. best, good, good
c. better, good, better
d. best, well, well
Question 25: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
The helium _______ balloon rose ________ into the air; the villagers knew then their _______ leader was off on another mission.
Ans: c (powered, powerfully, powerful)
Question 26: Rearrange the following words to create most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
your company name? of what the is
a. What is the company of your name?
b. your company What is the name of?
Answers: c. What is the name of your company?
d. The name of your company What is?
Question 27: Rearrange the following words to create most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
Sleeping likes the Midday Katie until on weekends
a. sleeping Katie likes until midday on the weekends.
b. Katie likes sleeping until weekends on the midday.
c. Katie likes on sleeping until the midday weekends.
d. Katie likes sleeping on midday until the weekends.
Answers: e. Katie likes sleeping until midday on the weekends.
Question 28: Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense.
Does Jack wear that furry hat often?
a. No, he just liked to wear it for fun sometimes.
b. Yes, but don’t said anything about it to him.
c. Yes, and it can so annoying!
Ans: d. No, he only wears it when his ears are cold.
Question 29: Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense.
Did you see the show last night?
Answers: a. No, because by the time I got there all the tickets had already been sold.
b. Yes, and it was one of the best shows I had ever seen.
c. Yes, but my seat was behind a pole so I couldn't barely see anything.
d. No, but I am hope to see it tonight.
Question 30: Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense.
Did you hear the weather report for tomorrow?
a. Yes, it will to clear up by noon.
Answers: b. No, I wasn't listening to the radio.
c. Yes, they have said it will have snowed.
d. No, but I think it had snowed.
Question 31: Which of the following sentence illustrates correct pronoun usage?
a. is those the set of plates the bride wanted, or did she want this set?
d. Whose book is that-his or our?
Answers: e. None of the above
Question 32: Which of the following sentences illustrates proper sentence structure?
a. Everyone knows that a mango is much sweeter to an orange.
b. I saw the girl with my own eyes who said she had been abducted by aliens.
c. Either one of you should try and to fix their broken fence.
Answers: d. The queen had hardly finished her speech when the people began to disperse.
Question 33: Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
Rhonda says, "I get to work early every day."
Answers: a. Rhonda says she gets to work early every day.
b. Rhonda said she gets to work early every day.
c. Rhonda has said that she got to work early every day.
d. Rhonda says she had gotten to work early every day.
Question 34: Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
Jerry said, “I saw my cousin at the fair.”
a. Jerry had said he’d seen his cousin at the fair.
Answers: b. Jerry said he had seen his cousin at the fair.
c. Jerry said he’d saw his cousin at the fair.
Ans: d. Jerry says he saw his cousin at the fair.
Question 35: Change the following sentences from a question to indirect speech.
“I will be moving soon.” said Alma
Answers: a. Alma said she would be moving soon.
b. Alma said she will move soon.
c. Alma says she'll be moving soon.
d. Alma says she would move soon.
Question 36: Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
“I’m not feeling well,” Agatha said.
a. Agatha has said that she doesn't feel well.
b. According to Agatha, she isn't feeling well.
Answers: c. Agatha said she wasn't feeling well.
d. Agatha says she isn't feeling well.
Question 37: Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
“Sharon must go to the bank today.” said Albert.
a. Albert says Sharon will have to go to the bank today.
b. Albert said Sharon has to go to the bank today.
Ans: c. Albert says Sharon must go to the bank today.
Answers: d. Albert said Sharon had to go to the bank today.
Question 38: Choose the option that correctly changes the original sentence from active voice to passive voice.
That tall man is carrying a lot of lumber.
a. The tall man carries a lot of lumber.
b. Is being carried by that tall man, the lumber.
Ans: c. the lumber is carried by the tall man.
Answers: d. a lot of lumber is being carried by that tall man.
Question 39: Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
Everyone ____________too busy cooking and __________ the campsite ____________ the family _________ from the woods.
a. were, setting up, to notice, watch
b. was, set up, noticing, to watch
c. is, setting, to notice, watching
Answers: d. was, setting up, to notice, watching
Question 40: Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
I find it very hard to remember _____ letters that are entrusted to me. In fact, I remember_____to do so dozens of times!
a. to mail, forgetting
b. mailing, to forget
c. to mail, to forget
Answers: d. mailing, forgetting
Question 41: Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
Lilacs ___________ violets are usually purple; I have seen some _________ are white.
a. and, however, that
Answers: b. or, yet, which
c. and, although, that
d. or, but, and
Question 42: Which of the following sentences does not illustrates correct pronoun usage?
Ans: e (all are correct)
Question 43: Which of the following sentences illustrates correct usage of articles and conjunctions?
Answers: a. Celine lives on Arthur Street; however, she works on Beatrice Boulevard.
b. I would eat a peach every day if I could, nor the doctor told me I couldn’t.
c. Will Gertrude play the piano or an harp at the concert?
d. Although she is angry at them, neither her son and her father will be at the party.
Question 44: Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
_______ she was feeling ill, Teresa wanted to eat only _____ apple _____ some soup.
a. Yet, the, or
b. After, an, and
Answers: c. Because, an, or
d. If, a, and
Question 45: opt for the series of verbs that best completes the subsequent sentences.
If Harry certain to the party too early, don’t let him in; he's outside like everybody else.
Answers: a. gets, will have to wait
or = Ans: a (gets, can have to be compelled to wait)
b. got, waits
c. gets, is waiting
d. has gotten, must be waiting
Question 46: Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
I think Fran could be _____ great public speaker, ______ she is still too shy to try it.
a. the, although
Answers: b. a, but
c. an, however
d. a, and
Question 47: Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
We were surprised when the ________ parade ________ turned into a ________ party!
Answers: a.) dull, suddenly, wild
b.) duller, all of a sudden, wilder
c.) dullest, suddenly, wildest
d.) dull, sudden, wild
Question 48: amendment the subsequent sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
“It might snow tomorrow,” He said.
Ans: d (He said it would snow tomorrow.)
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